Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic is a non-invasive hands-on discipline that focuses on restoring the motion of joints, with specific regard for the alignment of the spine. Correcting joint motion restores healthy movement and in most cases relieves pain.
Our Chiropractors believe that proper alignment of the musculoskeletal structure, particularly the spine, allows the body to heal itself without the need for surgery or medication. Correcting your spinal alignment allows your body's master conductor, your brain, to promote health and well-being for your body, mind and spirit.
At Chiani Wellness Centre, we believe in holistic chiropractic care and we support your body’s natural healing abilities. We always attune to your body to gently adjust within its limits, present to never overextend its abilities. We’re happy to work with you over time to create an ideal treatment plan to help you reach your wellness goals.
During your first visits you can expect your Chiropractor to provide a diagnosis, suggest a course of care, and help to prevent a future recurrence. After taking a complete medical history, your doctor will use a blend of therapies that are tailored to your specific needs. We look forward to supporting you to reach to your full potential!
For your convenience, download and complete the intake form to bring to your first visit:
CHIROPRACTIC (all practitioners)
“Through gentle massage and adjustments, Dr. Welham has accomplished what other chiropractors and a neurologist were not able to do. I recommend her to my family and friends.”