Massage Therapy
Registered Massage Therapy consists primarily of hands-on manipulation of the soft tissues of the body, specifically, the muscles, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments and joints for the purpose of optimizing health.
Registered Massage Therapists (RMTs) are also trained in the treatment and prevention of injury, pain and physical disorders, focusing on the underlying causes of pain and dysfunction.
Massage therapy treatment has a therapeutic effect on the body and optimizes health and well-being by acting on the muscular, nervous and circulatory systems. Physical function can be developed, maintained and improved; and physical dysfunction and pain and the effects of stress can be relieved or prevented through the use of Massage Therapy.
What can It Help?
Massage therapy decreases stress and helps control pain. Massage is also effective in treating ligaments, bones, joints, fascia, blood vessels, organs and other soft tissues of the body.
Our Registered Massage Therapists can provide relief for many common conditions such as migraine headaches, tendonitis, arthritis, osteoporosis, fibromyalgia, sports injuries and various other soft tissue sprains and strains.
Only massages booked with an RMT are eligible for insurance.
For your convenience, download and complete the intake form to bring to your first visit:
“I love coming here (to Chiani). I always feel awesome afterwards.”