Help to Relieve Stress - Part 4 (the Chakras)

Clearing our Chakras

By Dr. Joanne Welham

There are two ways that I know to clear our chakras. We would do this to invite healing, clear our psychic and spiritual energy, and reset ourselves. It doesn't matter if you believe in this stuff, it works.  

Exercise 1 to clear your chakras

Imagine your body with circles of light spinning at all chakra centres.  These lights spin clockwise. That is when someone is looking at you, your chakras are spinning in the direction of a clock relative to the person looking at you.  

Start with your first chakra. 

Imagine, or see the spinning red light. Now rotate this spinning light counterclockwise. If you are in the shower, direct the spray of the water to this part of your body and clear any unwanted energy or psychic debris that you feel. Run water over this area until it feels clean. When this area feels free and clear, wind the spinning light clockwise to reset it on its wheel.  

Move to the second chakra.

Repeat the exercise, imagining a spinning orange wheel. The chakras open at the front of our body, but also at the back of our body. Cleanse the posterior chakra as well. When it feels clean, wind the orange light clockwise, to reset it on its wheel.

Repeat with all seven chakras.

Exercise 2 to clear your chakras

This exercise takes a bit longer than the first one. You will need to be in a quiet place, and know that you will not be interrupted for several minutes. Create a space that is similar to the space where you go to meditate.

Calm your mind. Do some of the breathing exercises that we described in a previous article When you feel at peace, begin.  

Start by imaging a healing light that is present at your feet. In a moment, you are going to invite the light to travel into your body, through your body and out your body. You will do this deliberately and with present time consciousness.

To start clearing your first chakra, picture the location of your root chakra, your red chakra. Now imagine a beautiful red laser light.  It must resonate that this is a healing light, and the particular shade of red must feel good. If it doesn't feel like a “healing” red, change the shade of red. When you feel warmth and peace with the red you have chosen, start to draw it into your body, through your feet.  

Imagine this healing red light moving up your ankles, your legs, your knees. As it enters your pelvis and your hips, watch it collect any debris that is not useful to you. Imagine this light flowing through your body similar to a clean stream of water. As a stream of water flows down its course, it brings in nourishment and life. It collects anything that is not needed.  Picture a stream collecting leaves and twigs as it moves down its course. The light that you flush through your body will collect any energy that doesn't serve you, in a similar way. It will nourish you and replenish your energy that is needed to heal.

Imagine the light flowing through your belly, up into your chest, into your throat and through your head. It will flow out your arms and fingers and then exit out the top of your head. You will know you have been successful when you can see this beautiful light flowing through your entire body. Let it flow until you feel clear and clean.

Imagine another scenario: we turn on a rusty water tap to clear the water in a line. As you let the water flow through the line, at some point the water turns clear. Yet we let the water run for a bit, to satisfy ourselves that the line is really clear and the water is really clean. We do this until the water just feels clear.  This is the same feeling as flushing light through our body.  

Let this source of beautiful healing light flow through your body until it feels clear. Sometimes, however, you will hit a snag.

If we go back to the stream analogy, sometimes in the stream there will be something that creates an impasse for the water such as a fallen tree or a bank of sand that does not allow the water to pass at a particular point. When we are flushing light through our body and we hit an impasse, this will feel like a snag.

Imagine that you are ironing, and when you expect a smooth pass, you accidentally hit a button. It will halt your movement quickly, like a snag. Imagine that you are moving a piece of wood through your jointer and you hit a knot. The saw will stop unexpectedly. This is a snag.

When you are flushing light  you may hit a snag. To clear this snag, go back to the stream analogy. To clear the fallen tree out of the stream, you could do many things. You could lift out the tree, plant dynamite and explode it out, dig underneath it and let water go through under it, or change the route of the stream and let water course through the new route. Choose a way that fits best for you, and apply this solution to the snag in your chakra. You will know you have been successful when you start to flush light into your feet again and you are able to flush the light all the way up through your legs, into your chest and out through the crown chakra on your head.

Start with your healing red light.  Allow it to fill up your body, flow in through your feet and flow out through your crown chakra. Let this flow until it feels free and clear, and it is flowing smoothly. When you are done, move to your orange chakra.

Imagine a beautiful healing orange light and repeat the cleansing. If you hit a snag when you reach your orange chakra, repeat the clearing exercise.  

Occasionally the clearing exercise will not work. In this case, ask your body:

“What do I need to know to clear this chakra? What do I need to do to open this chakra?"

It may be helpful to wind the space over your chakra in a counterclockwise motion, to cleanse it directly. Make sure that you close it by winding the space in a clockwise motion when you are done.

~ Thank you.